Apr 17, 2010

My Girl Is Back

After 5 days of no smiles following her hip surgery I had started to worry. I'm happy to say that after a good poop last weekend my (relatively) happy girl was back. How I had missed her beautiful smiles. It is one things I am so grateful for....her attitude. Through it all I know how lucky we are for that.

Oh how glorious to see her smile, playing silly games with her Daddy.

Enjoying her favorite activity, reading a book, instead of saying "NO!"

Playing with Mommy's much coveted ring instead of refusing it.

Even getting outside for some fresh air.....

and shooting hoops, even in a lower body cast and wheelchair.

Hugging her dolls instead of throwing them on the floor.

I would be lying if I said she was truly happy. She's still pointing to the cast and signing "Off". Pleading with her eyes, actually, in addition to using sign language. But over all she is back to her normal self. Taking it all in good stride...... All things considered.

These pictures are unedited (Straight Out of Camera) for SOOC Saturday over at Melodie's blog Slurping Life.


  1. I am SO glad to hear that! I know that feeling. It is so relieving! All is "right" in the world again! Seeing those pics of a happy Ainsley just made my day!


  2. Sigh...hang on while I just stare at her smile...nope I'm not ready yet I'm still looking at her smile. Swoon...swoon...swoon!

    Oh Ainsley it is so nice to see you having some fun even in that constricting cast. I know I have said it before but I'll say it again and again and again. You are a hero Miss. Ainsley and I am privy.

    Hugs Susan and how that must warm your heart I know it did mine.

  3. wahoo!!!! i love to see her smile!!! so glad she is feeling better!!!!

  4. what beautiful pictures - they have really made me smile too.

  5. Give her my hugs and love. My son has been in lower body casts three times and we know from experience it is not fun...for anyone. Hugs to you too, mom.

    Sweet photos.
